Backlink API
Price: 6 credits per request
Description: Uncover all the backlinks pointing to a specific URL or a full domain.
Query string parameters
Name | Parameter | Description |
URL | &url= |
The URL you want to analyse – Backlinks pointing to a specific PAGE, example: |
Limit | &limit= |
Optional: Set a maximum for the number off backlinks you want to return. example: 10, default = 100 |
Offset | &offset= |
Optional: Use the offset parameter to get the backlinks after the specified number. example: 10, default = 0 |
Dofollow | &dofollow_only |
Optional: Use the dofollow_only paramter to only get the dofllow backlinks. example: 1, default = 0 |
Unique domains | &unique_domains | Optional: Use the unique_domains parameter to only get one backlink per domain.
example: 1, default = 0 |
Key | &key= | Your private API key |
Response elements
Name | Description |
Backlink | ↓ |
URL | URL where the backlink is from |
Domain | Domain where the backlink is from |
Spam score | Spam score of the backlink on a 0 – 100 scale (a 100 being a very toxic backlink) |
Page authority | The authority of the backlink page on a 0 – 100 scale |
Domain authority | The authority of the backlink domain on a 0 – 100 scale |
Link type | Link type (anchor, image, link, meta, canonical, alternate, redirect) |
Anchor text | The text of the backlink |
Alt | The ALT tag in the case of an image link |
Dofollow | If the backlink is dofollow (true or false) |
First seen | Date and time when the backlink was first discovered |
Last seen | Date and time when the backlink was first discovered |
Link is lost | True or False |
Link is new | True or False |
Broken status | If the backlink is broken (true or false) and responding with a error code |
External links on page | Total number of external links on the page with backlink |
Link attribute | Link atributes (nofollow, noopener, ugc, …. ) |
IP | The IP address of the backlink |
Landing page | ↓ |
URL | The URL where the backlink is pointing to (the landing page) |
Spam score | The Spam score on a 0 – 100 scale of the landing page |
Status code | Status code of the landing page |
Backlink spam score explained
Spam score | Explanation |
0 -30 | Low spam score |
30 – 60 | Medium spam score |
60 – 100 | High spam score |
Tool: Backlink Checker (API powered)
More information: discover more about this API
PHP code example
API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
API info:
API documentation:
// input URL or domain
$inputUrl = '';
// API key
$apiKey = 'YOUR-API-KEY';
// specific API url
$apiRequestUrl = ''.$inputUrl.'&unique_domains=1&key='.$apiKey;
// get data from API
$jsonReposnse = file_get_contents($apiRequestUrl);
// convert JSON to PHP array
$dataArray = json_decode($jsonReposnse, true);
// check if API call is success or failed
// (just some basic validation)
// API call fail
if ($dataArray['status'] !== 'ok'){
// return error message
echo 'Error message: '.$dataArray['error message'];
// API call success
} else {
// print data
Python code example
# API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
# API info:
# API documentation:
# LinkedIn:
import requests
# API key
apiKey = 'YOUR-API-KEY'
# input URL or domain
inputUrl = ''
toolRequestUrl = ''+inputUrl+'&unique_domains=1&key='+apiKey
r = requests.request("GET", toolRequestUrl,)
JSON response example
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