SEO Content Optimization API – Content Input

Price: 1 credits per request

Description: Discover how well content (published or private) is optimized for search engines and get detailed SEO feedback to improve your content. Designed for content publishers and content creating environments (custom CMS, news sites or e-commerce platforms).

Query string parameters

Name Parameter Description
Keyword &keyword=

The keyword or phrase is used by the the algorithm to analyse the provided content and calculates the SEO score using intelligent keyword recognition. (max phrase length = 6 words)

example: SEO Tools

Related keywords &relatedkeywords=

Optional: Add related keywords to analyse topic relevance (separated by the | sign). A minimum of 3 related keywords is required

example: content creation|marketing strategy|brand awareness|content marketing strategy|high quality content

Key &key= Your private API key

JSON POST object (required)

Use JSON to post the data to the API.

JSON POST structure:

content_input Description
title_tag The web page title
meta_description A brief summary of the web page
body_content The body content including HTML formatting (paragraph tags, headings, tables, images, links and more …)

Code example

  "content_input": {
    "title_tag": "Example document title",
    "meta_description": "Example document Meta Description",
    "body_content": "<h1>Example document Heading</h1><p>Example content including HTML formatting ... </p>"

Advanced options

Discover how to populate custom settings and exclude elements.

Custom settings (optional)

Custom settings can be used to set the numeric values for the different elements listed below. To collect query specific SEO statistics that can be used to populate the custom settings we recommend using the SERP Analyzer API →

custom_settings Elements






Code example

  "content_input": {
  "custom_settings": {
    "content_length": {
      "low": 760,
      "avg": 1523
    "keyword_usage_percentage": {
      "low": 0.1,
      "high": 2.8
    "on_page_links": {
      "low": 3,
      "high": 21

Excludes (optional)

Remove data from the API response. The available exclude options are listed blow.

Name Options


Code example

      "content_input": {
      "exclude": [

Response elements

Name Feedback elements Description
SEO score 0 Overall SEO score
Available SEO points
Earned SEO points
Summary including (Errors, Warnings, Optimized)
Title Tag 4 Title tag element
Title tag content
Title length
Title tag number
Focus keywords position
Focus keywords found
Meta description 4 Meta description element
Meta description content
Meta description length
Meta description number
Focus keywords position
Focus keywords found
Headings 2 H1 count
H1 content
Count headings H1 – H6
Content length 1 Word count
Corrected word count
Anchor text words
Anchor Percentage
Keyword usage 1 Keyword type
Keyword frequency
Keyword density
Related keywords* 1 (Optional: topic relevance analysis based on related keywords)
Related keywords found
Related keywords not found
Intelligent match
Exact match
Internal and external links 1 Total links
External links
Internal links
Nofollow links
Duplicate links
Missing alt tag
Image analysis 3 Number of images
Image name contains keyword
Image ALT tag contains keyword

*optional: depending on the request parameters

SEO Score interpretation

This overview shows how you should interpret the SEO content score, returned by the API.

Score Description
75% – 100% The content is well optimized for search.
51% – 74% The content needs work to improve its ranking potential
0% – 50% The content is poorly optimized for the focus keyword

Feedback classes

The element specific feedback classes are designed to help you structure and visually style the output for the end users.

Feedback class name Description
positive Element is optimized for search
negative Element is NOT optimized for search
couldhave Element can be further optimized for search



Do you need to get the feedback from the API in another language?
That’s possible, please contact our support team to discuss the options. Contact support →

Google helpful content guidelines

The API provides a summary of Google’s content guidelines to assist editors in determining whether Google will classify their content as ‘helpful’.

Question category Description
Content and quality These questions evaluate content quality, including originality, value, and accuracy.
Expertise These questions gauge content trustworthiness and expertise, considering factors like sourcing, author background, site reputation, and factual accuracy.
Focus on people-first content These questions evaluate the alignment of content with the target audience.
Avoid creating search engine-first content These questions address content strategies to avoid.
Who created the content? These questions evaluate content authorship and transparency.
How was the content created? These questions relate to transparency regarding the use of automation.
Official Google documentation A list of URLs referencing official Google documentation.

More information: discover more about this API

PHP code example


    API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
    API info:
    API documentation:

function curlFunction ($toolRequestUrl$data){
$ch curl_init();
$html curl_exec($ch);
$curlInfo curl_getinfo($ch);

// Title tag
$title_tag 'Example Copywriting Guide - Expert Tips';    
// Meta description        
$meta_description 'Master the art of copywriting with expert tips and techniques. Create compelling content and drive results with our guide';

// Content to check
       <h1>Example Copywriting Guide </h1>
        <img src="" alt="Copywriting Guide" />
        <p>Welcome to our Copywriting Guide. This guide will help you create compelling and effective copy for various purposes, such as marketing, advertising, and content creation.</p>

        <h2>1. Understanding Your Audience</h2>
        <p>Before you start writing, it\'s essential to understand your target audience. Ask yourself:</p>
            <li>Who are they?</li>
            <li>What are their needs and desires?</li>
            <li>What problems are they trying to solve?</li>

// remove tabs and spaces
$body_content preg_replace('/\s+/S'" "$body_content);

$data = [
'content_input' => [
'title_tag' => $title_tag
'meta_description' => $meta_description,  
'body_content' => trim($body_content)

// Encode data array to JSON
$data json_encode($data);

// Keyword to check
$keywordInput "Copywriting Guide"

// Related keywords (optional)
$relatedKeywords "Search engine optimization|Headlines|SEO content audit|Content analysis methods|Content analysis research|SEO-friendly content"

// API key 
$apiKey "YOUR API KEY"

$toolRequestUrl "".urlencode($keywordInput)."&relatedkeywords=".urlencode($relatedKeywords)."&key=".$apiKey;

$seoDataJson curlFunction($toolRequestUrl$data);

header("Content-type: application/json");

cURL code example

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "content_input": {
        "title_tag": "Example Copywriting Guide - Expert Tips",
        "meta_description": "Master the art of copywriting with expert tips and techniques. Create compelling content and drive results with our guide",
        "body_content": "<h1>Example Copywriting Guide </h1><h2>Introduction</h2><img src=\"\" alt=\"Copywriting Guide\" /><p>Welcome to our Copywriting Guide. This guide will help you create compelling and effective copy for various purposes, such as marketing, advertising, and content creation.</p><h2>1. Understanding Your Audience</h2><p>Before you start writing, it\'s essential to understand your target audience. Ask yourself:</p><ul><li>Who are they?</li><li>What are their needs and desires?</li><li>What problems are they trying to solve?</li></ul>"
}' ''

Python code example

import requests
import json

def curl_function(tool_request_url, data):
    response =, json=data)
    return response.json()

# Title tag
title_tag = 'Example Copywriting Guide - Expert Tips'
# Meta description
meta_description = 'Master the art of copywriting with expert tips and techniques. Create compelling content and drive results with our guide'

# Content to check
body_content = '''
       <h1>Example Copywriting Guide </h1>
        <img src="" alt="Copywriting Guide" />
        <p>Welcome to our Copywriting Guide. This guide will help you create compelling and effective copy for various purposes, such as marketing, advertising, and content creation.</p>

        <h2>1. Understanding Your Audience</h2>
        <p>Before you start writing, it's essential to understand your target audience. Ask yourself:</p>
            <li>Who are they?</li>
            <li>What are their needs and desires?</li>
            <li>What problems are they trying to solve?</li>

# Remove tabs and spaces
body_content = ' '.join(body_content.split())

data = {
    'content_input': {
        'title_tag': title_tag,
        'meta_description': meta_description,
        'body_content': body_content.strip()

# Keyword to check
keyword_input = "Copywriting Guide"

# Related keywords (optional)
related_keywords = "Search engine optimization|Headlines|SEO content audit|Content analysis methods|Content analysis research|SEO-friendly content"

# API key
api_key = "YOUR API KEY"

# URL generation with proper encoding
tool_request_url = "{}&relatedkeywords={}&key={}".format(

seo_data_json = curl_function(tool_request_url, data)


JSON response example

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