Keyword Suggestions API – V2.0

Price: 8 credits per request

Description: Discover new keywords and keyword phrases that include the input keyword or a directly related keyword.

Query string parameters

Name Parameter Description
Keyword &keyword=

The keyword or phrase is used by the the algorithm to discover keyword suggestions

example: seo tools

Language &hl=

The language that is used as input for the algorithm to select relevant keyword ideas (full list of the available languages)

example: English

Location &location=

The geographical location that is used as input for the algorithm to select relevant keyword ideas

example: United States

API key &key= Your private API key

Response elements

Name Description
keyword Suggested keyword.
keyword_difficulty Organic keyword difficulty on a logarithmic scale from 0 – 100 score. 0 indicating it’s relatively easy to rank on the first page and 100 indicating it’s extremely hard to rank on the first page of Google for the returned keyword.
cpc The CPC represents the average Cost Per Click price bases on Google Ads data
avg_search_volume The average monthly search volume for the keyword, based on the last 12 months.
monthly_searches ↓ Search statistics by month over the past 12 months.
year The year corresponding with the monthly search volume.
month The month corresponding with the monthly search volume.
search_volume The search volume metric for the specific month.
search_intent Keyword search intent: informational, navigational, commercial, transactional .
competition ↓ Shows average backlink statistics for the first 10 organic results found for the specific keyword.
backlinks The average number of backlinks pointing to the top 10 organic results found for the specific keyword.
dofollow The average number of dofollow backlinks.
referring_pages The average number of referring pages.
referring_domains The average number of referring domains.
referring_main_domains The average number of referring domains.
serp_statistics ↓ Shows SERP (Search Engine Results Page) statistics for the specific keyword.
se_results_count Total number of search results for the specific keyword / query.
last_updated_time Date and time when the results where last updated.
previous_updated_time Date and time results of the previous update.

Tool: Keyword Research Tool

More information: discover more about this API

PHP code example


    API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
    API info:
    API documentation:

// API key 
$apiKey 'YOUR-API-KEY';

// Keyword
$keywordInput "SEO Tool"

// Location
$location "United States"

// Language
$language "English"

// specific API url 
$apiRequestUrl ''.urlencode($keyword).'&location='.$location.'&hl='.$language.'&key='.$apiKey;

// get data from API
$jsonReposnse file_get_contents($apiRequestUrl);

// convert JSON to PHP array
$dataArray json_decode($jsonReposnsetrue);

// check if API call is success or failed
// (just some basic validation)

// API call fail
if ($dataArray['status'] !== 'ok'){

// return error message
echo 'Error message: '.$dataArray['error message'];

// API call success    
} else {

// print data


Python code example

# API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
# API info:
# API documentation:
# LinkedIn:

import requests

# API key
apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY'

# Keyword
keyword = "SEO Tool"

# Location
location = "United States"

# Language
language = "English"

# API request url
apiRequestUrl = ''+keyword+'&location='+location+'&hl='+language+'&key='+apiKey;

r = requests.request("GET", apiRequestUrl,)

JSON response example

Supported versions:

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