Credit balance

Call the API the retrieve your API credit balance

Response elements

Name Description
credit used The number of credits that have been consumed
credits available The number of credits available before your subscription renews
Monthly credits The total amount of credits that come with your subscription

PHP code example


    API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
    API info:
    API documentation:

// API key 
$apiKey 'YOUR-API-KEY';

// specific API url 
$apiRequestUrl ''.$apiKey;

// get data from API
$jsonReposnse file_get_contents($apiRequestUrl);

// convert JSON to PHP array
$dataArray json_decode($jsonReposnsetrue);

// check if API call is success or failed
// (just some basic validation)

// API call fail
if ($dataArray['status'] !== 'ok'){

// return error message
echo 'Error message: '.$dataArray['error message'];

// API call success    
} else {

// print data


JSON response example

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