Competitor keywords API

Price: 4 credits per request

Description: Uncover the top 25 keywords that drive traffic to your competitor’s website. The keywords returned by the Competitor keywords API are ordered by search volume. Enter a domain to get all the keywords for the complete website or enter an URL to discover the keywords that drive traffic to a specific page. In addition to these keyword metrics the API will also return the number of backlinks pointing to the ranking URL, the position in the SERP, the average number of backlinks pointing to all the results found on the SERP and more..

Query string parameters

Name Parameter Description
URL &url=

Competitors domain or the specific page you want to analyse (to analyse a domain enter the domain-name without parameters, schema, path and www)


Language &hl=

The language (required) → full list

example: English

Location &location=

The geographical location (required) → full list

example: United States

API key &key= Your private API key

Response elements

Name Description
target Competitor domain or URL
paid traffic Monthly paid traffic estimate
paid traffic cost Monthly paid traffic cost estimate
search engine Google
keyword The keyword your competitor is ranking for
url The specific URL that’s ranking for the keyword
serp position The position in Google
type Type of search result (Organic or Paid)
backlink statistics  
backlinks The number of backlink pointing to the specific URL
dofollow The number of dofollow backlink pointing to the specific URL
referring pages The number of referring pages pointing to the specific URL
referring domains The number of referring domains pointing to the specific URL
monthly search volume The monthly search volume for the specific keyword
keyword difficulty The keyword difficulty for the specific keyword
commercial value The commercial value for the specific keyword
search engine results The number of search results for the specific keyword
avg backlink statistics  
backlinks The average number of backlink for the specific SERP
dofollow The average number of dofollow backlink for the specific SERP
referring pages The average number of referring pages for the specific SERP
referring domains The average number of referring domains for the specific SERP
search intent The search intent for the specific keyword


PHP code example


    API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
    API info:
    API documentation:

// API key 
$apiKey 'YOUR-API-KEY';

// domain
$inputUrl ''

// Location
$location "United States"

// Language
$language "English"

// specific API url 
$apiRequestUrl ''.urlencode($keyword).'&location='.$location.'&hl='.$language.'&key='.$apiKey;

// get data from API
$jsonReposnse file_get_contents($apiRequestUrl);

// convert JSON to PHP array
$dataArray json_decode($jsonReposnsetrue);

// check if API call is success or failed
// (just some basic validation)

// API call fail
if ($dataArray['status'] !== 'ok'){

// return error message
echo 'Error message: '.$dataArray['error message'];

// API call success    
} else {

// print data


JSON response example

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