SEO Content Analysis API – URL

Price: 1 credits per request

Description: Discover how well a web page is optimized for search engines and get detailed SEO feedback to improve your content.

Query string parameters

Name Parameter Description
Keyword &keyword=

The keyword or phrase is used by the the algorithm to analyse the provided content and calculates the SEO score using intelligent keyword recognition.
(max phrase length = 6 words)

example: SEO Tools

Related keywords &relatedkeywords=

Optional: Add related keywords to analyse topic relevance (separated by the | sign). A minimum of 3 related keywords is required

example: content creation|marketing strategy|brand awareness|content marketing strategy|high quality content

URL &url=

The public URL you want to analyse


Key &key= Your private API key

Response elements

Name Feedback elements Description
SEO score 0 Overall SEO score, Available SEO points, Earned SEO points, Summary including (Errors, Warnings, Optimized)
Title Tag 4 Title tag analysis, including: Title found, Title tag text, Title length, Title tag number, Focus keywords position, Focus keywords found
Meta description 4 Meta description analysis, including: Title found, Meta description text, Meta description length, Meta description number, Focus keywords position, Focus keywords found
URL 2 Status code, Readability URL, Focus keywords, Input type, Feedback details
Content length 1 Word count, Corrected word count, Anchor text words, Anchor Percentage
Keyword usage 1 Focus keyword frequency and keyword density
Related keywords* 1 Optional: topic relevance analysis based on related keywords
Internal and external links 1 Total links, External links, Internal links, Nofollow count, Duplicate links, Missing alt tag
Image analysis 3 Number of images, Image name contains keyword, Image ALT tag contains keyword
Headings 2 H1 count, H1 content, count headings H1 – H6

*optional: depending on the request parameters 

Feedback classes

The element specific feedback classes are designed to help you structure and visually style the output for the end users.

Feedback class name Description
positive Element is optimized for search
negative Element is NOT optimized for search
couldhave Element can be further optimized for search

More information: discover more about this API

PHP code example


    API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
    API info:
    API documentation:

// input URL
$inputUrl '';

// API key 
$apiKey 'YOUR-API-KEY';

// Keyword to check
$keywordInput "Content marketing"

// Related keywords (optional)
$relatedKeywords "Content creation|marketing strategy|brand awareness|content marketing strategy|high quality content|target audience|online pr|sharing content|content marketing definition|content marketing examples|content distribution|promoting content"

// specific API url 
$apiRequestUrl ''.urlencode($keyword).'&relatedkeywords='.urlencode($relatedKeywords).' &url='.$inputUrl.'&key='.$apiKey;

// get data from API
$jsonReposnse file_get_contents($apiRequestUrl);

// convert JSON to PHP array
$dataArray json_decode($jsonReposnsetrue);

// check if API call is success or failed
// (just some basic validation)

// API call fail
if ($dataArray['status'] !== 'ok'){

// return error message
echo 'Error message: '.$dataArray['error message'];

// API call success    
} else {

// print data


Python code example

# API documentation for SEO Review Tools.
# API info:
# API documentation:
# LinkedIn:

import requests

# API key
apiKey = 'YOUR-API-KEY'

# keyword
keyword = 'Content marketing'

# related keywords (optional)
relatedKeywords = 'Content creation|marketing strategy|brand awareness|content marketing strategy|high quality content|target audience|online pr|sharing content|content marketing definition|content marketing examples|content distribution|promoting content'

# input URL
inputUrl = ''

toolRequestUrl = ''+keyword+'&relatedkeywords='+relatedKeywords+'&url='+inputUrl+'&key='+apiKey

r = requests.request("GET", toolRequestUrl,)

JSON response example

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